June 24, 2012

Liebster Award

I was graciously tagged by Amy of Scenique Route! The Liebster Blog Award is for bloggers with no more than 200  followers.  I've never really done this sort of thing so I thought I'd give it a go!

The Rules:
  • You must write 11 things about yourself
  • Answer the questions the person who tagged you has set and add 11 questions for the people you tag
  • Choose 11 people and tag them in your post
  • Go to their page and tag them
  • No tag backs

11 things about me
  1. I am the eldest of three children, my sister being the middle and my brother, the youngest.
  2. I am Japanese and Okinawan yet I have a Hawaiian middle name.  Actually, I'm the only one in my family who has a Hawaiian name.  Long story short, my mother's adoptive family, or hanai family, is Hawaiian. 
  3. I'm going to be a junior in college this upcoming fall semester where I am studying English.
  4. I love to eat.  If you want to try out a new place, call me up!  I love exploring what's out there. 
  5. I get sentimentally attached to things and find it hard to part with them.  Possible hoarder tenancies?  Nah, I eventually give in to the clutter and purge. 
  6. Music is a big part of who I am.  I connect better with people and ideas when I can relate it to music.  People have told me that I'm a walking ipod; I sing to whatever song is playing.    
  7. I can get lost in books.  I have quite the vivid imagination and tend to "see" the book as I read.  This makes it difficult when there are film adaptations because I get very annoyed when it doesn't turn out how I envisioned in my head.
  8. I'm addicted to scuba diving.  If you haven't done it, what the hell are you waiting for?
  9. My favorite movie of all time is Grease.  
  10. I would like to move to the East Coast, preferably New York.  
  11. I may like to shop a little too much. 

Questions from Scenique Route
  1. What is your number one goal in life?
    • I would like to have the opportunity to travel the world.  I'd love to become a fashion/travel writer and document my finds and ideas as I globe-trot.  
     2.  What do you gravitate towards more, shoes or makeup?
    • As much as I love shoes, I'd definitely say makeup.  I am obsessed with makeup.  It's a little strange as well because I don't wear much, yet I have and know about so many products.  I enjoy doing other peoples' makeup more than my own.  
     3.  Are you more of an outdoors or indoors person?
    • Ooh, this depends.  If we're talking full on nature outdoors, I'm definitely an indoors gal.  I hate getting dirty so things like hiking are out of the question.  The only exception is the beach and being in the water.  But I love being on boats and at parks on a nice day.  
     4.  What is your favorite restaurant?  
    • I have far too many.  But one of my favorites is Himalayan Kitchen.  The food is amazing and I love the atmosphere.  I'm all about the right kind of atmosphere of places and this place definitely has it.  Laid back, eclectic, yet simple and effortless.
     5.  What is a talent you'd like to possess? 
    • I'd love to be able to sew.  My life would be so much easier if I could make exactly what I wanted, when I wanted it.  I would save so much money and be able to tailor items to fit my body rather than the general public's.  
     6.  If you could have one material item besides money, what would it be?
    • I'd love my own rent-controlled loft or brownstone apartment in NYC (does that count?).  I thrive on independence and Hawaii is way too slow for my liking.
     7.  What is one place you'd like to travel to?
    • Italy.  I've wanted to go there since I was in the fourth grade.  It's the perfect blend of the old culture and new.  Not to mention it has amazing museums, art, architecture, fashion, music, and culture.           
     8.  What is the last thing you purchased?
    • Food/Drink: Mocha Cookie Crumble frap at Starbucks
    • Clothing/Shoes: Black suede ankle boots from Target that totally look like the Dolce Vita Jamison boots
    • Makeup: New shade of Chanel Vita Lumiere Aqua Foundation
    • Random: EOS hand lotion 
     9.  Shoes of bags?
    • BAGS, hands down.  It's a problem...
     10.  Who is your favorite musical artist?
    • Noooooooo. This question is impossible!  Too many too possibly just choose one.  Always on rotation are: Citizen Cope, Michael Buble, Led Zeppelin, Ella Fitzgerald, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes, old musical movie soundtracks, and...so many others. Hahaha this question is hard!
     11.  If you could meet one person in the world, who would it be?
    • I'd really like to meet J.K. Rowling because I think the woman is genius.  I am such a fan of Harry Potter and I cannot believe how detailed and extensive of a world she created in the series.  I'd love to have a chance to pick her brain. 
My questions
  1. If you could live in a foreign country, where would it be?
  2. What is your favorite type of food?
  3. Is there anything that you hold onto (physical object) from your childhood?
  4. If you had $5000 to spend, would you spend it on a plane ticket, a handbag, or a killer pair of shoes?
  5. If you could see one musical artist, living or not, who would it be?
  6. What is a book you can read over and over again?
  7. How did you become close to your best friend? (I'm curious because I can't remember for the life of me!  It just seems like we've always just been best friends.)
  8. What is your dream job?
  9. What do you splurge on?
  10. If it was impossible for you to fail, what is one thing you would love to do?
  11. What is one thing you'd like to accomplish in your lifetime?
Tag! You're it! 
I'm drawing a blank...I'll tag more blogs as I remember them.
http://kaimanadivers.blogspot.com/ (Kaimana Divers has like, a billion fans because they're so damn awesome, but do check out their blog!)
I wish I could tag Amy back but that would be against the rules haha. But do check her out!

June 21, 2012

1, 2 Step

Current shoe rotation...minus the slippers. It is Hawaii after all. 

June 14, 2012

Opening Ceremony Pt. 2

Opening Ceremony


Bought these babies on Target earlier this evening.  So stoked.

June 12, 2012

Summer Project: closet organization and purge